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Fears Project

"Are You Lost In The World Like Me?" Video

What is the general premise of this video? - The general premise of this video is that the world is lost in technology and nobody pays attention to real things or people anymore. This video is informing society on what it is turning into if nobody does anything about it. Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message? - The video is effective in conveying it's intended message because it uses visuals and animation as well as well-known characters (Cinderella and her prince) to help viewers understand the overall idea. Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why? - The video is both a cautionary situation and an examination of out current social situation. It warns viewers by painting a picture of what society looks like today so that we can stop for future purposes and be aware of what we are doing. It is an examination of society because it is not for certain that our society


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