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Fears Project


  1. I think Scopophobia is a fear of being looked or stared at by others. I really like the way that you curved the name of the phobia above your head. One thing that could be adjusted to help the photo would be to try and make the picture more focused.

  2. I think the fear in this picture is the fear of being stared at or being center of attention. I think the fear is portrayed very well in the photo. I like the spotlight on you, it helps to understand the fear. The imaged could be more focused but overall it is a good photo.

  3. I think this fear is being looked at or stared. In my opinion I look how the dark on the outside goes with the focus of the image. The words would have been better in they were bigger and more popped out.

  4. I think the fear represented is fear of being the center of attention.
    I think the fear is portrayed well in the photo. I like the way you stand out the most and how the spotlight is on you, and also how you incorporated the sign. I don't really have any critique's, the photo looks good!

  5. I think this photo is conveying the fear of being in the spotlight and being stared at. I think this photo succeeds at showing this fear because she is shown in a spotlight with darkness surrounding her, this shows all the attention is on her. She is also holding a paper saying "look at me" which could express also her fear of being looked at. I really like how she was able to make a spotlight effect. All in all it was a good idea and well executed. One improvement I would make is making the photo more in focus.


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