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Conceptual Photography


  1. I think that this picture definitely tells a story about friendship and possibly a party/celebration. The actual quality of the picture is very good and in focus. There is contrast and clear white and black elements within the picture.

  2. I think that the picture clearly defines a story. The story is about the good friendship they have and are either partying or celebrating. The quality of the picture is good and in focus.

  3. I think your project told a story because looking at it i can tell the three girls are toasting to something that makes them happy. This picture as a whole was very good because you ca see clear contrast and the editing was very nice.

  4. The moods of the girls help emphasize your story. Since they are happy and are laughing you know that they are having a good time. They are toasting to something that brings joy to them.

  5. I believe that the photo tells a story, you can see they are all happy and seems as if they are celebrating something. I think that this is a good photo. It has good contrast and depth to it.

  6. 1) I think this photo is portraying a group of friends hanging out and celebrating something maybe a birthday, 2) I think that this picture is very good because it shows a filter is being used by the green being saturated, and the focus in this picture is on point.


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