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After re-reading my semester 1 reflection, I would give myself a B for working on what I needed to improve. I have had many tournaments this quarter so far, and I have put in the effort to remember to complete the projects when I am not playing in games and I have remembered to do them. I remembered to do the forced perspective project along with the conceptual project when I am just hanging out with my friends and the opportunity presents itself. I have gotten better with completing the projects on time and making sure my photos are good quality as taking photos in the moment. I still think I could work on taking the image further and going above and beyond.

Semester 1 Reflection:

Throughout the semester, my work has evolved and improved. I have learned about contrast, focus, and composition and have applied all to my photographs. I have fulfilled each assignment and had all of the assignments completed on time. I am a very "in the box" thinker and have trouble taking images further and applying creativity. Over time, I have went beyond my first ideas and have tried to not do the same thing as everyone else.

My effort has been consistent throughout the semester. I have actively been taking photos and if I am not satisfied with my image, I will keep trying until I am. I could work on taking photos as more of a priority, as I am busy with sports I sometimes don't have time to get the best possible photograph. I try not to avoid photographic ideas that I think are difficult, as I am willing to take risks and put in time to get the right kind of photos. I always have a positive attitude towards my photographs and compositions, as well as other student's.

I have come to class prepared and on time every day this semester. I have also worked through the block, especially when I was just learning how to use photoshop. I have stayed on task and have managed my time wisely.

I need to work on individuality when it comes to taking photographs and creating my own style. I could work on taking photographs that are more appealing to the eye. I could also improve developing stronger concepts in second semester.

One thing I could do differently second semester is finding time to take photographs. I am busy with sports and will start having tournaments all throughout second semester, so I will need to find time to take good photographs and not just take photos in order to get the project done. I also struggle with creativity and developing strong ideas for photographs. I have trouble going above and beyond projects and taking images further, and that is something I will need to work on in second semester.

Currently I have no suggestions for future projects.


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