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Showing posts from February, 2020


After re-reading my semester 1 reflection, I would give myself a B for working on what I needed to improve. I have had many tournaments this quarter so far, and I have put in the effort to remember to complete the projects when I am not playing in games and I have remembered to do them. I remembered to do the forced perspective project along with the conceptual project when I am just hanging out with my friends and the opportunity presents itself. I have gotten better with completing the projects on time and making sure my photos are good quality as taking photos in the moment. I still think I could work on taking the image further and going above and beyond. Semester 1 Reflection: Throughout the semester, my work has evolved and improved. I have learned about contrast, focus, and composition and have applied all to my photographs. I have fulfilled each assignment and had all of the assignments completed on time. I am a very "in the box" thinker and have trouble taking

Letter to the Past

Dear Mallory,      In order to be successful in Creative Photography, you will need to take lots of pictures, be creative with your ideas, and use your time wisely. Taking lots of pictures will help with the selection process because you will have more options to choose from. You will also know which photo to choose from if you don't like a photo that you took so that you can start over or try again. Your first idea is your worst idea. You struggle with creativity so try to think outside the box and not do what everyone else is doing. If you wait to take pictures, the perfect moment will come up and you'll end up having the perfect photo. The timing just has to be right. Lastly, you will need to remember to take pictures outside of school so that you will get the projects done on time and use your time wisely. If you have a tournament, use those opportunities to take pictures when you're done playing games. Take pictures at any time so that you will have much more to sele

Conceptual Photography

The Importance of Art Response

     The quote "Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period." means that money should not be spent on arts in school. I disagree with this quote because arts programs promote creativity and individuality among high school students. They also provide fun parts in students' days and a break from nonstop hard work. Students may also want to go into a career in performing arts and they would need the experience before they do so. Money needs to be given to these programs in order for students to have joy in their school day and experience in the performing arts community.      However, I do believe schools should focus more on teaching students to be prepared for the "real world." This would include investing money in mandatory classes that teach students basic life skills. These skills include paying taxes, buying houses, buying cars, home

Forced Perspective

Photo Reflections

Description: There are 2 models, both women, that are posing and have serious facial expressions. One of them is wearing blue clothes with her hair up and a matching headband and hair-tie and the other appears to not be wearing any clothing. There is lots of color, as viewers can see the different mediums and colors of the paintings. The background of both images is red. Questions: 1. The models have serious expressions and seem to give off a "sad" kind of mood. They seem to be posing. 2. These images seem to be created using oil paint because viewers can see the different colors and brushes used. 3. Color does contribute to the mood because in the first image, one of the main colors is blue, which gives off a relaxed vibe. There is no blue in the second image, so a more serious and intense mood is felt by viewers. 4. The artist wanted the viewers to think about these images and feel sad and possibly angry. The artist was successful in trying to convey these moods, a

Daily Dozen - Violet

Daily Dozen - Blue

 Connotation: Sad (Cracked Phone)

Daily Dozen - Green

Daily Dozen - Yellow

 Connotation: Happy   Connotation: Happy